What sparked your interest in painting?
As a child I was drawn to painting and used my mothers oil paints and brushes to paint a mural on the wall in my bedroom. You can imagine how happy this made her…all kidding aside, I was 6 years old and after getting my first exposure to paint and brushes I was hooked. In high school, I took painting all 3 years and my senior year my father talked me into going to college to get a business or nursing degree as I would probably have a hard time supporting myself being an artist. Well, it was good advice at the time, but didn’t stop my spirit and love of painting.
Do you remember the first piece you painted?
Yes it was a nature scene with a tiger. I worked on it for months in school and finished it the summer of my sophomore year. I grew more in that painting than any other as it taught me perspective, color theory, design and what it took to finish a project to my liking. Today I am still proud of that piece because it proved to me that I had passion and a drive to accomplish something I felt was good. To this day I can still see that painting in my mind, even though it was destroyed accidentally years ago, it is still in my minds eye.
What are you favorite surface, medium and subject to paint?
Where do I start? All of it! I have painted acrylics since taking my first tole painting class 30 years ago. Since then I have done pen and ink paintings, acrylics with Oil roughing, one stroke painting, stroke painting & Maureen McNaughton style of painting. Recently, I have discovered oil painting that also has its place in my heart. The outcomes are completely different and beautiful, but both mediums bring me joy in so many ways.
Is there a project you still want to tackle?
There are a few! I really want to finish painting the chairs that I took with Lynn and Judy years ago during a seminar. I want to give each of my girls 2 of the chairs as a special gift. There are a few other pieces that I have in mind for our 3 grandchildren. There are some Gail Anderson pieces and a few others such as Jamie Mills Price and Cheri Rol that I have on my checklist to do!
What inspires you to paint today?
Recently learning how to oil paint is big on my list. I have learned how to block in colors and blend, now I am focusing on glazing concepts and finishing those pieces. I am also going to do a Betty Caithness pattern with the help of a fellow HOOT member Sue Davis. I have always admired her pieces and have plans in the next month to tackle a design.
To be honest, I am working right now to scale down on my commitments to engage in painting at least 4 days a week, it might be a few hours each day but I recognize that I have lost some painting skills due to inactivity, and I want to immerse myself again in the experience!
Rachel Wright